On the Road: Newport

Cliff walk-33I had to buy a hat in Newport, RI. I had to buy suntan lotion. I had to buy a smoothie and dump it over my head. It is hot here. But I didn't let that deter me, and I went and took the Cliff Walk in a light drizzle, and then decided to take the scenic drive...as a walk..which was a war of attrition after awhile, about 10 miles in all. You can see photos on my facebook, using this link (which I think is public).Oh yeah--and I had one of the most perfect cheese plates ever at the White Horse Tavern, before my hike. Highly recommended.Off to Richmond tomorrow! Nine hours! Huzzah!DSCN0006


Shared Worlds: First Day and Public Reading Schedule


Goodreads and the Steampunk Deletions