Cheeky Frawg Publishing Schedule

We've just finished finalizing most of the Cheeky Frawg schedule for 2012-2013---in addition to our already-released titles this year (in e-book form) of the anthology ODD?, Amal El-Mohtar's The Honey Month, and Stepan Chapman's Philip K. Dick Award-winning novel The Troika (in partnership with Wyrm/Ministry of Whimsy.) Please check all three of those great titles out. Not on the schedule below:---Jess Nevin's The Encyclopedia of Victoriana, a book for which we are partnering with Neil Clarke's Wyrm imprint.---Cruel Paris by Claude Seignolle (a collection newly translated by Gio Clairval), one of France's most respected fantasists, for which we are considering doing a limited hardcover edition and some other special touches.---The ODD? anthology series, for which a new schedule will be announced soon.Late September 2012:Don't Pay Bad for Bad & Other Stories by Amos Tutuola---A selection of previously uncollected and rare tales by the Nigerian master storyteller. Blurbed by Nnedi Okorafor. Introduction by Tutuola's son and afterword by Matthew Cheney. (E-book only.)October 2012Tainaron by Leena Krohn. This World Fantasy Award finalist short novel by one of Finland's most highly regarded writers is a personal favorite of ours, and we're delighted to be able to bring it back into print.November 2012Jagannath: Stories by Karin Tidbeck---This amazing collection by a wonderful Swedish writer has received glowing blurbs from the likes of Ursula K. Le Guin, China Mieville, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Karen Lord, and Karen Joy Fowler. Elizabeth Hand has written the introduction. We will have a book release party at the World Fantasy Convention in Toronto, with the author in attendance. Preorder links will be available in September. (Trade paper and e-book.)April 2013Datura by Leena Krohn---The increasingly strange story of the going's-on at The New Anomalist magazine and a very dangerous flower. Another wonderful short novel by a Finnish icon. Instead of sections, the book comes in three seed pods. Newly translated by Juha Tupasela and Anna Volmari. Funded by a generous grant from the Finnish Literature Exchange. (Trade paper and e-book.)May 2013The Explorer & Other Stories by Jyrki Vainonen---One of Finland's best short story writers, Vainonen writes in a fantastical mode with an underlying hint of the macabre or disturbing. Newly translated by Juha Tupasela and Anna Volmari. Funded by a generous grant from the Finnish Literature Exchange. (E-book and possible trade paperback.)September 2013Dona Quixote: The Leena Krohn Omnibus---One great volume collecting Krohn's novels Tainaron, Dona Quixote, Gold of Ophir, and Pereat Mundus (never before published), along with newly translated short stories, essays about Krohn's work, and a complete bibliography. A publishing event. (Trade paper and e-book.)


Photos from Fiji, Romania, and the Backyard...


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