Latest Book Sales and Updates on the Feminist Spec Fic Anthology

Two new book sales to report, as a stop-gap blog post as I work on deadlines...The Steampunk User's Manual, to be written with co-author S.J. Chambers. It's a follow up to The Steampunk Bible but will focus on the bleeding edge across a variety of media. Neither of us expected to do another steampunk coffee table book, but the concept was too mind-blowing (details later) not to pitch. Our editor will be the most excellent David Cashion at Abrams Image.The Time Traveler's Almanac, edited by me and Ann VanderMeer, is a reprint anthology almost as large as The Weird, covering the breadth and width of time travel fiction from the last century or more. We will have an open reading period for reprints for this anthology in November. Our editor will be the magnificently amibitious Nic Cheetham at the new major UK publisher Head of Zeus.Thanks very much to our agent Sally Harding and to her UK counterpart Ron Eckel, at the Cooke Agency. More information on both books in a month or so as everything comes more and more into focus.In other news, we will have updates on the ODD anthology series and the feminist speculative fiction anthology shortly. If you submitted fiction to the feminist anthology, please note we haven't yet made any decisions---it might be another month to six weeks.


Lindsay Stern's Town of Shadows


Molly Gloss's Phenomenal "The Grinnell Method" at Strange Horizons