Dradin, In Love: To Be Staged May 22-25 at the Granary in Cork, Ireland

Dradin, in Love - Poster LargeBob Kelly and his cohorts at Tribe have wanted to do a stage production of "Dradin, In Love," from City of Saints & Madmen, my book set in the imaginary metropolis of Ambergris, for awhile---and now they're doing it! May 22-25 of this month at The Granary in Cork, Ireland. They've trained with a very physical theater group, so it should be an interesting production.I'll have more information and inside looks at the production next week, but for now here's a link to the description on The Granary's website and also, below, one of their more esoteric (and fun) fliers for the event, incorporating text from City of Saints.I can also share that they'll be using my story "The Exchange" as an interlude between acts.Flier 1 - Lowres


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