Helsinki's 2015 Worldcon Bid and a Cornucopia of Finnish Speculative Fiction (free e-book)

helsinkiworldcon_banner_2013 copyWe here at Cheeky Frawg had no idea that Helsinki would be vying to host the 2015 Worldcon when we started to acquire books by Finnish writers for our line, supported by generous grants from FILI, the Finnish Literature Exchange. We just knew that there as a rather amazing amount of talent in Finland when it came to speculative fiction, weird fiction, fantasy, SF---whatever you want to call it. And that this talent was backed up by a very strong and knowledgeable SF/F community.But we now find the release of our books (in October) coinciding in part with Helsinki's bid, and we'd just like to say how strongly we support that bid---in part because their home grown talent is so great. You'll note the names on the image above, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. And one reason we think a Helsinki Worldcon makes so much sense is the number of really interesting writers you'll discover---as interesting in person as on the page.In fact, in celebration of that bid, we'd like to offer, for free, an ebook of Finnish writer Leena Krohn's World Fantasy Award finalist Tainaron, one of our favorite short novels of all time. Just through today, midnight Eastern Standard Time. Just email me at with the subject line Free E-book and specify mobi (Kindle) or epub and I'll send it to you. I'll send them out in batches, so don't worry if you don't hear right away. All requests will be filled by tomorrow afternoon, tops.Not only are we releasing Krohn's Datura in October, but next year we are putting out a 900-page omnibus of Krohn's collected novels in English, along with some short fiction and commissioned essays.


The Southern Reach Trilogy: FSG Cover Reveal for Annihilation (with animation!)


The Care and Feeding of the Structures We Build