Eric Nyquist and the Southern Reach Series

DSCN3248(Click for larger image)One of the great joys of having the Southern Reach novels out from FSG has been their commissioning art from Eric Nyquist, with great design work by Charlotte Strick. This week that joy was amplified by getting a kind gift from Eric of one of his original prints and a journal with the interior art from my novel Acceptance on the outside; I'll be writing my next piece of fiction in this journal, for sure.The same day, I received from FSG advance reader copies of Acceptance, with his wonderful art. The fresh, clean, crisp, and yet complex nature of this art and the interior front-back cover illustrations has, I think, played a major role in how readers perceive the series. It gives them an entry point that is intriguing and different, but not off-putting.Two of the interior pieces, pictured below, have been chosen by the best-of anthology American Illustration, as well. And to my mind, the cover of Authority (here as animated gif) is a thing of inspired absurd beauty that perfectly undermines the title, as intended. Authority is out May 6, riding some momentum from being on best-of-month and week lists (like PW's) and I'm glad that Eric's art will help readers connect with the novel. While also having its own separate integrity.tumblr_n3in3xPOV51qk6gmvo1_1280anigif_original-grid-image-6678-1394903791-15


The Southern Reach Trilogy: Authority Release Day!


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