Summer Reading Lists: Southern Reach Influences, Tove Jansson, Rachel Carson, and More

Google - Internet Explorer_2014-05-27_15-25-49(Google honoring Rachel Carson, born on this day in 1907)For your summer reading consideration...first off the HuffPo list of ten influences on the Southern Reach trilogy, including Under the Sea-Wind by Rachel Carson:

This was the famous naturalist's first book, and it contains her observations of several coastal environments in the 1930s. Taken just as an intricately detailed account, Under the Sea-Wind has a mesmerizing rhythm that places the reader under a spell. But not only does this book fascinate with its documenting of the lives of animals and the environment around them, it describes pre-World War II landscapes that today do not exist in quite this complexity. This chronicle is thus also an important account of our natural history.

I also contributed to a Conde Nast Traveler list of summer reading, along with David Sedaris and several others. I chose Tove Jansson's The Summer Book as my classic summer read. Go check out the other recs.My novel Authority made this New York Post list of the 29 best summer books, along with work by Emma Straub, Haruki Murakami, and more.Authority's also on this Tampa Bay Times best-of summer list, along with intriguing titles by Emma Donaghue and John Waters.GQ's list of May recommendations, you know, Authority, but also some *other* books that might be of interest.If you're looking for some rock-solid trade paperback fiction, the latest New York Times' bestseller list includes quite a few interesting titles, including David Eggers' The Circle. In a first for me, Authority also pops up on the list.I should also point out this Coode Street podcast if you want some summer listening, in which Gary K. Wolfe and Jonathan Strahan have a conversation with me. I think it turned out really well. Other recent episodes feature the likes of Joe Abercrombie. (I also highly recommend any of Bookworm's interviews, except the one they did with this bastard.)And, if you have a question through early June, I'm answering them over at Goodreads--at least one a day.Finally, FSG Originals has a roundup of some of the great press for my novel, for those who are interested.


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