The Southern Reach Trilogy: Stephen King and Vernon Reid Loving It; N.K. Jemisin Reviews It in the New York Times Book Review

Twitter  StephenKing I'm loving THE SOUTHERN REACH ..(To see the comments, click here.)It's been a busy week and I haven't had time to post anything until now, but imagine my surprise Sunday afternoon when several friends told me Stephen King had tweeted that he was loving the Southern Reach trilogy, calling it "Creepy and fascinating."This was just a couple of days after I had my mind blown when Vernon Reid, founder of the band Living Color, tweeted that he'd finished Annihilation and Authority and loved them, writing, ""Truly visionary, epic, the best SF since Perdido Street Station…VanderMeer has done something extraordinary in the Southern Reach. Wild. Bizarre. Romantic. Evocative of Gibson, Lovecraft, Kafka. Thank you for creating something original in a world that's referencing itself to death. It is refreshing.”Honestly, consider my month and year made. And this was on top of N.K. Jemisin giving a great review to Authority in the New York Times Book Review's summer reading issue.In other news, I've just finished up some last tiny tweaks to the third novel, Acceptance, and also will post a tour schedule for the rest of the year. It includes awesome events with the likes of Charles Yu, Lev Grossman, and Lauren Beukes, among


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