Jeff VanderMeer Tour Dates: Through The End of 2014

10735978_10202890292322183_1907938610_n(Southern Reach art by Tony McMillen)"I'm loving the Southern Reach trilogy...Creepy and fascinating." - Stephen King“[A] masterpiece.” – The Guardian“An instant SF classic.” – The New Statesman>>Recently read by Catherynne M. Valente, who tweeted about it. Not familiar with the S.R. series? Check out this link.Since Acceptance, the third book in the Southern Reach trilogy has come out, I've done an event with both a live owl and with a plastic owl. I've done a gig with Lev Grossman and Lauren Beukes, which was very cool, and met the fine folks at a number of bookstores, including Politics & Prose in DC. The novel even made the New York Times bestseller list. But the fun isn't over yet. See below for the last tour dates.Austin, TXOctober 25, 1:45pm--Texas Book Festival , "The Stuff of Stars," reading, Q&A, and signing with Ofir Touché Gafla and moderator Lincoln Michel. At the Central Presbyterian Church.

Science fiction has often been a genre used by writers to celebrate the possibilities of the imagination and to critique the world of the present. From robots to black holes to even Frankenstein, sci-fi authors focus our attention outward to the stars in order to reveal the inward aspects of humanity. Ofir Touché Gafla and Jeff VanderMeer discuss how they use science fiction to take readers through their universes.

October 25, 8:30pm--Texas Book Festival LitCrawl, Jeopardy edition at Wonderland (1104 E 6th St). Battle for Jeopardy supremacy against Charles Blow and Kate Payne, with host Paul Morris.(I'll also try to go to all three author reception events. See you there! - JV)Washington D.C., World Fantasy Convention EventsNovember 7, 8pm--Autograph Party at World FantasyNovember 8, 10am--WF Convention Panel: The Role of Animals in Fantasy with fellow panelists Goldeen Ogawa (M), Judi Fleming, and Garth Nix.November 8, 12-4pm--Steampunk User's Manual/Southern Reach party (more details soon; inquire via for a special Southern Reach offer debuting at World Fantasy)Acceptance--FSGFloridaNovember 14, 5pm, Inkwood Books in Tampa, FL, reading, signing.November 15, 7pm Functionally Literate reading series (with Usman Tanveer Malik) in Orlando at the Lowndes Shakespeare Center. Reading, Q&A, with slideshow and signing.November 19-21--The Center for Literature, Wonderbook workshop (cosponsored by the Miami International Book Fair) in Miami - must sign up for the workshopNovember 22,3pm--Miami Book Fair International - Event along with Daniel Suarez and Geoff Nicholson (reading, discussion, and signing in Room 8525, Building 8, Miami-Dade College)New York CityNovember 23, 2pm--Barnes & Noble Tribeca, Steampunk User's Manual event with special guests TBANovember 23, 6pm--Steampunk User's Manual party (save the date--details TBA)B0Ty4yjCEAAfrGA(Southern Reach art by Andrew Mamo)


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