Sweet, Cute Ann and Beastly VanderCurmudgeon Featured in Origins Magazine

44866_Origin22_AmandaSide60 (1)Origins Magazine asked Ann and me what makes a relationship work. Ann said plenty of drugs while I'm talking helps and $$ penalties for putting up with my stupid. Or maybe we both said laughter goes a long way long-term. As does mutual respect and sharing the same passion for certain things.Here's a photo from a recent workshop we ran that demonstrates that wearing serious hats is of use, too.20140722_092326It also doesn't hurt that Ann's smart, cute, hilarious, and much better with a tool kit than I am.Anyway, the issue hits newsstands this week and it's kinda cool to be featured as one of their top couples. (Thanks, Nancy H., for recommending us, and thanks to Francesca Myman, who took the photo that's in the mag.)Origin22_FB   


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