Leena Krohn Omnibus: Call for Nonfiction

Cheeky Frawg Books is publishing a hardcover Leena Krohn Omnibus consisting of several of her short novels and some short stories.  The publication date is December of this year.We would also like to publish some nonfiction essays, articles, or appreciations of Krohn's work in the omnibus. We have no particular length restrictions and reprints are, of course, fine. Academic pieces are fine as are those intended for a more general audience. We have some limited ability to translate into English from various languages and to take some original pieces as well.Our deadline for receiving materials is April 30, although the earlier the better. We must receive queries prior to April 1. Please provide a description of what you propose with credentials, or an attachment of the piece in question. We have no particular length or format requirements. We can provide more payment details on request.Krohn is an iconic Finnish writer and we hope in this omnibus to do justice to her fiction. It should go without saying, but we expect anyone who queries to already be very familiar with Krohn's work.You can send me email about this project to: vanderworld at hotmail.com. Please note that I am traveling intermittently from February 20 to March 8 and may not answer all email immediately. 31  


Vintage Science Fiction Readings #6--"But That's Not Science Fiction"


Vintage Science Fiction Readings #5--1971-1975, Presented Without Comment