Southern Reach / VanderMeer Events: Summer-Fall 2015

Southern Reach--paperback covers(The brilliant new covers for The Fourth Estate's UK release of all three Southern Reach paperbacks on July 30.)It's going to be a busy second half of the year for me and for Ann, especially with more foreign-language editions of the Southern Reach trilogy being published--and The Fourth Estate bringing out the S.R. paperbacks in the UK on July 30. Here's a look at the schedule, with additional events in Italy and Germany in September still possible. We're looking forward to all of this--some great opportunities and some wonderful lit fest invites. Ann will be with me for Sardinia, Calgary, and the Vancouver Wordfest, too.May 1-3: Ann VanderMeer is the editor guest of honor at Mo-Con X.June 18-21: Wonderbook Workshop at the Yale Writers’ Conference (with Ann VanderMeer)June 25, Thurs, 7pm: Worthington Library event (Ohio; ticketed event)July 2-5: Sardinia Literary FestivalJuly 17-August 1: Teaching at the Shared Worlds writing camp in Spartanburg, Wofford College (with Ann VanderMeer; Hub City Bookstore event TBA)October 13-18: Calgary WordfestOctober 20-25: Vancouver Book FestivalOctober 26--November 6: University of British Columbia mini-residency (with Ann VanderMeer;  public events TBA and classroom visits/critiques)


Shared Worlds: The Eighth Year of This Unique Teen SF/Fantasy Writing Camp


Hyperobjects: The Slow Apocalypse, Spooky Science at MIT, and Ex Machina