My New Novel BORNE: Thanks For Reading and Reviewing and Sharing

Ann and I have now been on tour for BORNE since April 22, and we've got two weeks on the West Coast to go--with stops here in Seattle, Portland, Point Reyes, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, Austin, and Houston, before returning to Tallahassee for the Florida leg of the tour. Thanks for coming out to the events, which have been packed--I'm grateful for meeting so many engaged readers and so many wonderful booksellers. I also had a great time doing a segment about BORNE on Science Friday.Thanks for buying BORNE and thanks for your help spreading the word if you like the novel. Especially by way of reviews on Goodreads and wherever you bought the book from, including on Amazon, where reviews help a lot in enticing readers.Here's a selection of review coverage thus far, which has been very generous. Hope to see you on tour, where you can see the giant Theo Ellsworth bear woodcut we've brought along with us, along with other surprises. - Jeff“Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy was an ever-creeping map of the apocalypse; with Borne he continues his investigation into the malevolent grace of the world, and it's a thorough marvel.” —Colson Whitehead"VanderMeer is that rare novelist who turns to nonhumans not to make them approximate us as much as possible but to make such approximation impossible. All of this is magnified a hundredfold in Borne . . . Here is the story about biotech that VanderMeer wants to tell, a vision of the nonhuman not as one fixed thing, one fixed destiny, but as either peaceful or catastrophic, by our side or out on a rampage as our behavior dictates--for these are our children, born of us and now to be borne in whatever shape or mess we have created. This coming-of-age story signals that eco-fiction has come of age as well: wilder, more reckless and more breathtaking than previously thought, a wager and a promise that what emerges from the twenty-first century will be as good as any from the twentieth, or the nineteenth." —Wai Chee Dimock, The New York Times Book Review“The conceptual elements in VanderMeer’s fiction are so striking that the firmness with which he cinches them to his characters’ lives is often overlooked . . . Borne is VanderMeer’s trans-species rumination on the theme of parenting . . . [Borne] insists that to live in an age of gods and sorcerers is to know that you, a mere person, might be crushed by indifferent forces at a moment’s notice, then quickly forgotten. And that the best thing about human nature might just be its unwillingness to surrender to the worst side of itself.” —Laura Miller, The New Yorker"Borne, the latest novel from New Weird author Jeff VanderMeer, is a story of loving self-sacrifice, hallucinatory beauty, and poisonous trust . . . Heady delights only add to the engrossing richness of Borne. The main attraction is a tale of mothers and monsters--and of how we make each other with our love." —Nisi Shawl, The Washington Post"Borne, Jeff VanderMeer's lyrical and harrowing new novel, may be the most beautifully written, and believable, post-apocalyptic tale in recent memory . . . [VanderMeer] outdoes himself in this visionary novel shimmering with as much inventiveness and deliriously unlikely, post-human optimism as Borne himself." —Elizabeth Hand, Los Angeles Times"Borne, the latest from sci-fi savant Jeff VanderMeer, begins innocently enough: Girl meets strange plantlike creature. But if you haven't read his haunting Southern Reach trilogy, prepare yourself--this is Walden gone horribly wrong." —Esquire"VanderMeer's apocalyptic vision, with its mix of absurdity, horror, and grace, can't be mistaken for that of anyone else. Inventive, engrossing, and heartbreaking, Borne finds [VanderMeer] at a high point of creative accomplishment." —Michael Berry, San Francisco Chronicle"VanderMeer's world is vast and imaginative . . . [Borne] augments its weirdness with strong characters and worldbuilding, and a narrator who manages to charm and unnerve in equal measure . . . From its biotech creatures to its god-bear and attack beetles, Borne is intriguing, unnerving, and quintessentially VanderMeer." —Sam Reader, Barnes & Noble"Beautiful . . . VanderMeer's fiction is not preachy by any means. Rather, it probes the mysterious of different lifeforms and highlights our human ignorance at the life around us." —Lincoln Michel, Vice"Borne maintains a wry self-awareness that's rare in dystopias, making it the most necessary VanderMeer book yet." —Charley Locke, Wired"Just as VanderMeer subverted your expectations for each sequel to Annihilation, with Borne he’s written something completely different and unpredictable — not just in terms of the story, but also with regards to language, structure, and point of view." —Adam Morgan, Chicago Review of Books"VanderMeer offers another conceptual cautionary tale of corporate greed, scientific hubris, and precarious survival . . . VanderMeer marries bildungsroman, domestic drama, love story, and survival thriller into one compelling, intelligent story centered not around the gee-whiz novelty of a flying bear but around complex, vulnerable characters struggling with what it means to be a person. VanderMeer's talent for immersive world-building and stunning imagery is on display in this weird, challenging, but always heartfelt novel." —Krista Hutley, Booklist (starred review)"Supremely literary, distinctly unusual . . . VanderMeer’s deep talent for worldbuilding takes him into realms more reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's The Road than of the Shire. Superb.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"VanderMeer, author of the acclaimed Southern Reach trilogy, has made a career out of eluding genre classifications, and with Borne he essentially invents a new one . . . Reading like a dispatch from a world lodged somewhere between science fiction, myth, and a video game, the textures of Borne shift as freely as those of the titular whatsit. What’s even more remarkable is the reservoirs of feeling that VanderMeer is able to tap into . . . resulting in something more than just weird fiction: weird literature.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)


The Southern Reach: $5,000 Donated to Riverkeeper and Florida Wildlife Federation


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