WorldCon In Helsinki: VanderMeer Schedule (in which Jeff dresses as a bear)

(None of these bear parts are real, not to worry, but Jeff is dressing up for his Friday panel)Ann and I are headed off to WorldCon 75 in Helsinki, which promises to be a riotous and lovely affair. Due to the size of WorldCon and the logistics of traversing it--and the weariness of traversing it--you're most likely to catch us at one of our events. Ann will likely be at most of my events as well, including the signing, for example. You'll also note that you can probably catch me in the dealer's room on Thursday in the early afternoon. Hope to see you there!WORLDCON SCHEDULE (also here)Thursday 12:30-2:30pm--Wander the dealer's room (catch me if you can).04:00pm--Jeff interviews Guest of Honor Johanna Sinisalo about her career, her work, and much else. (101 A + B)  Friday 12:00pm--Signing, with Ann (in the Signing Area) 03:00pm--Fantastical Worlds panel; Jeff will be in costume and character as Mord the giant flying bear (103)04:00pm--Jeff reads from Borne and, possibly, The Strange Bird (203a) Saturday 01:00pm--Jeff participates in an "Authors and their Cats" panel (Hall 3)05:00pm--Jeff presents an entertaining, often hilarious, Annihilation book-to-film presentation with behind-the-scenes intel and plenty of images. (101d) 05:00pm--Ann participates in a translation panel (203a)   


The Strange Bird Enters the World: New Borne Fiction


Five Daughters of the Moon: An Interview with Leena Likitalo