News for the Next Two Weeks

I'm going to stop blogging for a couple of weeks while Ann and I are in France as guests of Utopiales. Rick Klaw will be blogging here during that time (see post above).Just a few notes.- Due to the power of saved drafts, I will be posting to the Amazon book blog during the time I'm away. Features on David Lubar's weenies, the Emerging Writers Network, Peter LaSalle's new collection, and Antony Johnston's Wasteland comics series will run between Monday and Nov. 10, along with interviews with George RR Martin on Dream Songs and The Church about their reading habits. Among other cool stuff.- Nov. 1 my latest SF Site column will go live, featuring a fascinating interview with Peter Crowther from PS Publishing.- Nov. 5 (or thereabouts) my indepth review of The Arrival by Shaun Tan will go live on Bookslut as part of my comics column.- Nov. 5 (or thereabouts), Amazon will post its best-of-the-year lists, including my list of the top 10 SF/F books of the year. When I get back, I'll blog about that list, and the ten books that didn't, but could've, made the list.And in other news, Apex Digest will be publishing Hal Duncan's interview with me about Shriek: An Afterword in, I believe, one of their next two issues.Also be on the look-out for the release of Heliotrope, with my Shadow Cabinet column.


Rick Klaw--Guest Blogging


Riley and Cat