Rick Klaw--Guest Blogging

For the next two weeks, Rick Klaw will be guest blogging, starting today or tomorrow. (We'll be in France for Utopiales starting next week.) He'll tell you a little about himself to start off, I'm sure, but I'd like to tell you something about him too. In addition to being a friend, Rick has been an editor, writer, bookstore guru, and much more. Here's what he's been up to currently: "When not playing with books, Rick Klaw produces reviews and articles for The Austin Chronicle, Moving Pictures, RevolutionSF, Sf Site, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, and other venues. His brief forays into short fiction have appeared in Electric Velocipede and Cross Plains Universe. Klaw's writings were collected in Geek Confidential: Echoes From the 21st Century (MonkeyBrain)."Rick has some great "bookless" interviews lined up in addition to a ton of other stuff. I hope you'll welcome him and his unique viewpoint, which should make for entertaining, cool, and interesting reading.For those of you we'll see at Utopiales--looking forward to it. For the rest, see ya after Nov. 10th.Jeff


Arizona Librarians Convocation


News for the Next Two Weeks