Third-Person Limited Omniscient Narrator Blown Away By Surprise Ending

From The Onion:

November 2, 2007 | Issue 43•44PROVIDENCE, RI--The third-person limited omniscient voice, a narrative mode used to convey a story through the thoughts and senses of a literary character, was reportedly "caught totally off guard" after the main character was unexpectedly killed in the last chapter of the new novel Bertram's Way."Holy shit, I did not see that coming. Did you see that coming?" the disembodied literary device said on page 367 following the last paragraph of the novel. "Man, right in the head!"The popular narrative method said it would try to pay closer attention when utilized in the book's planned sequel, Bertram's Revenge.

Somedays the works does have a mind of its own.Thanks to Matt Staggs for the link.


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