Idiocracy: Satire Not Science Fiction

We finally got to see Idiocracy, and were pleasantly surprised by the movie. As I'm sure has been noted, this isn't SF so much as satire of our current times. Although the movie indulges in some of the same stupidity it's trying to send up, the core of the film is sound. By simply increasing the present day's stupidity level by a factor of 10, Idiocracy, sometimes painfully, points out not just how retarded we have allowed our consumer society to make us, but also how much we prize that slack-jawed, spittle-producing approach, mostly by downplaying and denigrating intelligence rather than rewarding it.This isn't so much a movie review as a platform to point out that our current society has gone seriously wrong and seems headed for hell in a handbasket unless things improve soon. One need only step over the border to Canada to sample the difference--in everything from more honest political discourse to less selfishness and less of a wholesale rush toward oblivion by making our God out of designer clothes, the latest electronic gadget, and stentorian SUVs that anyone who had any perspective would understand are basically tanks wielding death and destruction to the atmosphere. So, viva la estupida! Or something like that. Where's my damn itunes upgrade and why the hell don't I have that eighty-dollar pair of shoes yet, and please pass me yet a beer from that six-pack, the plastic from which will wind up wedged down the throat of a pelican, condemning yet another living creature to death just because I'm an ape who has lost any connection with the natural environment I've evolved out of...Evil Monkey will have more to say later.


Short Break...


Knocked Up...Oy