Short Break...

I know I just got back, but I need a break from the break, so to speak.Right now, I'm totally immersed in two totally different projects--Dying Earth story and Predator novel (Horia, you don't die)--while also reading Alexander Theroux's new novel, totally different from everything else, for review, while also interviewing both Steven Erikson and Steve Erickson, while also doing a bevy of graphic novel reviews. It's not that it's too much. It's that it's all too different. I need to shut off all other, different things, like this blog, before I get the bends.Unless something incredible occurs that I have to write about, I'm not back until after December 1st.JeffPS Veniss Underground is now available on Zee Infernal Device.2050, some reader in the US: "I still remember that first book I downloaded to Kindle--VanderMeer's Predator novel. I took it on that road trip with my first real girl friend. It got dirt on it in New Hampshire and a stray leaf caught on its display and got trapped there in Idaho; by the time we got to California, the Kindle didn't work at all and I couldn't read anything on it--and anyway, there were the Warming riots and people were shooting people everywhere (not everywhere that way--I mean, mostly in the head and torso)--but it's still on the mantle, next to the plasma rifle. It's almost totally rotted away, but it's still the most important thing I own. Next to my gas mask."


Tasting Weird Soda for the Holidays


Idiocracy: Satire Not Science Fiction