Ziesing Books--A Great Book Seller

One of my favorite booksellers is Ziesing books. Mark & Cindy Ziesing are great people and their print catalog is a reflection of their great taste in books. People lately have been asking me what indie booksellers they should support. Obviously there are a lot of great brick-and-mortar indie booksellers, but for catalogs and online merchants, I've got to say Ziesing is my favorite.The thing about the catalog is that you'll find an eclectic mix of fiction and nonfiction, genre and non-genre books. Books you didn't even know you needed you'll find with the Ziesings. If you go to their site, you can click on the Mailing List and pick either electronic or the hardcopy catalog. (If you go with hardcopy, just make sure you plan to order regularly from them since the cost of printing the catalog has to be covered by sales from each patron.)I can't recommend them highly enough.


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