Kage Baker Interview at Clarkesworld

I interviewed Baker over at the C-Spot. Check it out. Slapstick and horror. Galore.In Tucson now. Lots of immobile people in green with two arms and no legs, completely green, and prickly. I don't get it.JeffThe Company's often morally ambiguous, to say the least. Do your readers recognize that for the most part? Have you gotten fan mail from readers saying "Man, the Company rocks! I'd totally love to be an operative for them."?Nobody ever says the Company rocks-- and I'd be incredulous if anyone did, since working for a corporate entity with that kind of power would be nightmarish. But a lot of people love the operatives themselves (primarily Joseph and Lewis) and others would love to be immortal operatives. And every so often I'll get these distressing little emails saying things like, "You know, you're almost right about the way time travel works, but you have some details wrong" or "If you reveal any more about the Lizard People, you will regret it".


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Tucson, Arizona