Arthur C. Clarke Appreciation

I've just posted my much longer Amazon piece on Clarke, featuring responses from Cory Doctorow, Clarke's editor at Del Rey, Chris Schluep, Clarke Award administrator Tom Hunter, Jacob McMurray from the SF Museum, and Brian Moon from I thought Schluep's comments in particular were moving.Says Schluep, about his meeting with Clarke in the Chelsea Hotel, "I remember thinking, 'this is a great man, so just figure out one thing you could take from him that might help you somewhere down the line. One little bit of wisdom.' And I did learn something, which may seem small, matter who he was talking to, Sir Arthur listened to people. He gave them his complete attention. I watched him do it as people came in and out of the hotel that day like they were visiting a king. It seems minor, but it has certainly helped me in my life. He did so much to change how we think and live, it's difficult to imagine he's no longer with us."Also note Colleen Lindsay's appreciation.


What God Could It Be?


Chris Reilly and Tara Billinger's "Adora and the Electric Elephant"