Winding Down...

Okay, so in the last two days I've done a new draft of my Dying Earth story, written the 5k comics summation for YBFH, spent several hours on Clarke, finished off a critique, prepped six Amazon entries to run for the next week or two (Gwenda Bond on YA, Paulo B. on his story collection, Felix Gilman on hamsters, etc., etc.) and am in general, what with my allergies to the emerging pine pollen, wiped out.So I leave you with a photo of my sister-blister and her drunken sea captain brother, taken when she visited Gainesville, Florida, a few weeks ago, bequeathing to me the most horrible flu in the history of humanity.More tomorrow.P.S. Note that Sigler's fans have now rushed the stage. It's either a mosh event or a bruhaha or a bruheehee or a pitched battle with switchblades. C'mon hamster apologists and toilet description enthusiasts--join in!


Chris Reilly and Tara Billinger's "Adora and the Electric Elephant"

