Crazy Long Weekend--Off to I-Con: Play Nice, and a Challenge

So, Ann and I will be at I-Con in New York as of tomorrow (through Sunday). See our schedule under News in the sidebar. Looking forward to meeting a few readers of this blog--and a few non-readers, too! In other news, we just learned Hal Duncan will also be at the Czech con we're guests at--woo hoo! (Thus, the re-posting above of some memories of Europe...)In the meantime, this is now officially a Crazy Long Weekend post. You have four options:(1) Speculate on who the guest editor for Best American Fantasy 3 might be (we're announcing it next week).(2) Pimp whatever books, stories, or anything else you want to tell us about.(3) Explain who would win in a fight: an Emperor Penguin or a Bobcat (or, alternatively, a weasel and a one-legged pirate).(4) Share your most private thoughts in haiku form. Here's a start:I squished the frog on the ground.Icky icky frog.Winter comes.Someone will get a free copy of a book for something posted in the comments. It's totally arbitrary as to why you'll get it and what it will be, but it won't be something offered here before. Let chaos or indifference reign!jeff


I-Con Photos


Books Received--April 3