Books Received--May 6

This is a wonderful, wonderful book day as far as I'm concerned. University of Georgia Press has sent me Barbara Hurd's highly praised series of nature books: Entering the Stone: On Caves and Feeling through the Dark; Stirring the Mud: On Swamps, Bogs, and the Human Imagination; and Walking the Wrack Line: On Tidal Shifts and What Remains (new in hardcover). I've coveted these books ever since I heard about them and unless they fall far below my expectations will do an Amazon feature shortly, as well as talk more about them on this blog.I also received Jonathan Strahan's smart-looking The Starry Rift, a graphic novel from Soft Skull called Dead in Desemboque, which you can barely see in the photo below. In addition, I received a SECOND advance copy of Ekaterina Sedia's new novel, The Alchemy of Ston, due out in July. Rather than waste it, I'll send it to the first reviewer who asks for it, provided you promise to review it someplace nice. (If you renege, I keel you with my mind buullets.)


Tragic Demise Winners


Pretty Tie-Ins Photo from Horia Ursu