The No Brainer that Rarely Occurs to the Writer, Apparently

In updating my short-term and long-term goals document yesterday, it struck me again how simple my bullet-point list is, including details of how I intend to achieve those goals, and yet...and yet...time and time again when I mention this idea to beginning and even experienced writers they look at me like I either described some genius-level idea--or, conversely, like it's a 'tarded thing they can't be bothered to do ("I'm a starving artist--my genius is in my disorganized random approach to life, not just my art."). And yet we all know that visualization, that focus, that knowing where you want to go and how you want to do it is extremely important to success. Having this document, knowing what I want to do tactically and strategically, makes life a lot easier for me. That's all I know.


What's My Favorite, Favorite Writing Notebook?


A Conversation with Matt Staggs, Creative Enabler