What's My Favorite, Favorite Writing Notebook?

Um, I don't have one. I don't care if I scribble on a piece of toilet paper or in some fancy goat-skin-lined tome. I'd be as happy tearing the label off your jeans and using it to write on as going out and buying something more grandiose. And save me from some electronic organizer or blackberry or whatever. Paper and pen's always going to be easier and thus provide less friction between "eureka!" and writing down "eureka!" before it becomes "What the heck was that brilliant phrase I was just thinking of a second ago and now have forgotten?"On long projects, though, my favorite notebook is actually...a notecard. Notecards are much preferred, with one thought or sequence or phrase per card. Just shove a bunch in your back pocket wherever you go. I guarantee it makes novel writing a lot easier. Nothing's more annoying than having to take all of your random novel notes in a notebook and put them into sequential order. With notecards, just sequence them in minutes. Voila! Low-tech wins again.To say nothing of being happily rude whipping them out and scribbling in mid-conversation. A perk of being a writer. You shrug. "What can I do? I'm a writer."


Pretty Tie-Ins Photo from Horia Ursu


The No Brainer that Rarely Occurs to the Writer, Apparently