Steampunk on Amazon (and Steampunk photo shoot)

Every once in awhile Amazon lets me do an entry on one of our projects, so long as it doesn't mean some other book feature gets bumped. This time, it's about Steampunk, although within the context of providing general info on the term and an interview with the Steampunk Workshop's Jake Von Slatt.Two days to go in the special steampunk offer (see News sidebar for more info), and we're still holding up, despite having drawn waaay too many dirigibles, zeps, blimps, and floating beasties.In other news, as he promised, Bob Locke, one of the winners of the Steampunk contest, has taken photos of the antho at the Swansea Industrial Museum, blogging about it. It's oddly like some kind of fashion photo shoot, but for a book...


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