Weird Tales "Weird Tale" Subscriber Offer Finally Going Out

You may remember that I offered readers a special little haiku-like weird tale if they subscribed to Weird Tales awhile back. Well, it's been on my list of things to do for those who responded, but fell afoul of other deadlines. As the photo above shows, however, I have assembled my supplies and the envelopes will go out soon, adorned with weirdness.Who took advantage of this special offer? Their names are Writ in Special:Wade Darktower BowenBrett Sleeperhold CallahanMary Manyknives CallowayJames Monster CrossleyKate Damnright DollarhydeEdward Killerhands DuffMichael Bearclaws FitchJames Wolfman FosterPatrick Foetidbeast HarrisMelissa Scenestealer HiguchiShari Growly LipkinAnna Neuromancer MeyersBart Sicko PattonMark Bonecruncher TeppoErik Daredevil TrabertWilliam Weremoose VandemarkTerry Theshiv WeynaPhilip Greenshadow Winn


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