Literary evangelism

Posted by Matt StaggsIf you're as passionate about reading as I am - and I suspect the majority of your are - then you probably like to share your love with others. Sometimes my love for a particular author's work goes far beyond just blurbing them on the net or talking them up to friends: it escalates into something practically evangelical, if you will.There are some writers for whom I find myself a willing acolyte, spreading their gospel not only throughout our small kingdom of devoted readers and dyed-in-the-wool bibliophiles, but also to practically any literate person I meet.This doesn't happen all the time, but as I crack the surface of popular fiction and dig deeper into the authorial substrata the richer earth there often yields a surprising number of worthy voices, writers whose works are jewels only waiting to be brought sparkling into the light of day.I imagine that you are familiar with a few of my own readerly passions, but I'd like to know about yours. Who are the authors you celebrate? Whose works are gospel to you? For whom do you evangelize? Don't feel limited to lesser-known authors, either. Who move you, and why?


Matt's Bookosphere: 6/4/08


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