Matt's Bookosphere: 6/4/08

Posted by Matt StaggsReasons why John Coulthart rules: drool-worthy art from his "The Haunter of the Dark and other Grotesque Visions." Must have this!!!!Shaun Farrell launches "Singularity Audio:" freelance podcasting and audio book trailers!John Fox talks with T.C. Boyle (PS: John is available for freelance video assignments - book promotion and more. Chat him up at Johnmattfox AT hotmail DOT com)Fifty Cult Books from the Itinerant Librarian.Overused words: the plight of the descriptive adjective (Matt Mitchell)Corey Mitchell's "Pure Murder" virtual book tour.Gender, sexuality and reading patters at OF Blog of the fallen.(This is a long one! More after the jump!)David J. Schwartz's "Superpowers" getting good blurbs.Sara Douglass: "Let's be frank. Who really wants to go off and hunt the Lord of Evil at dawn?"The Onion Cellar gushes for Angela Carter's "The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman."An interview with Dave McKean, illustrator of Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book."No, for the last time that "farewell letter from a genius" is not really from Gabriel Garcia-Marquez.Jeffrey Carver wants us to revisit the moon.Feminist SF: let's make our own list! Obscure novels by authors of diverse backgrounds.Booksmith named best author event."Songs of the Dying Earth: the Jack Vance Tribute" announced.Good books on book publicity?Darrin C. Bradley's "Seng, Running" to be published in "Postscripts."On genre bending...The Geeks Are Taking Over: How New Media is Helping Genre Authors.Robert E. Howard's vision: successful video game, or not?Blog post on "Generation Loss" by Elizabeth Hand.Ian McEwan "embarrased" over gaffe involving oft-repeated story.Bookslut: History with a twist (very cool!)Is fantasy escapism, or does it communicate reality better than any other medium?Nick Mamatas: Life Among the Obliterati, #9: The Ragged Edge."Tom Waits" is the M. John Harrison of the Music World."NPR's The Bryant Park Project on race and culture in Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys."Inexplicable mess Guy Ritchie to direct "re-imagining" of Sherlock Holmes."Believer" editor Ed Park getting ready to tour for his novel "Personal Days."Interview with Lisa Mantchev.Interview with author and game designer James Wyatt."Little Vampire" by Joann Sfar gets some more love.Kids who trashed Robert Frost's place ordered to study his poetry as part of punishment. Poetic Justice? Hmm?McSweeney's: "What the Wonder Twins would take the form of and the shape of if they were sent to correct the subprime mortgage crisis."Win a "Revenge of the Elves" Prize Pack!Review of Melinda Snodgrass' "The Edge of Reason."Win a set of Steven Erikson's "Malazan Book of the Fallen!"Edward Gorey's house is open for touring.Win a signed copy of Chris Evans' "A Darkness Forged in Fire!"Win a copy of "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer!Philip K. Dick Topples the American Canon.Interview with Benjamin Nugent, author, "American Nerd."


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