Matt's Bookosphere 6/8/08

Edward Champion cackles gleefully as author Bill Moyers owns Bill O'Reilly."If somebody doesn't hate what I do, then not enough people are reading me." Interview with author Alma Alexander.John Scalzi offers some advice on purchasing ARCs on eBay, specifically of his own "Zoe's Tale."Interview with Jonathan Green, author of "The Adventures of Ulysses Quicksilver."Hilarious 1950's educational film reel on "Your Life work: Librarian."Neil Gaiman says that putting age ranges on books is "deeply stupid."John Mullan on the role of morality in Irvine Welsh's "Trainspotting."Anybody hear there was a new James Bond novel out?Forget that enchantress, it's all about "The Monster of Florence" now.Very cool article on Urban Fantasy. "Dungeons & Dragons Fights On."Paul Di Fillipo on J.G. Ballard.Ten ways to find the best publicist to promote your next book. (I'm available! - Matt)Cool new stuff on auction for Comic Book Legal Defense Fund."So not only has America tried to ruin the rest of the world with its wars, its financial meltdown and its stupid stupid food, it has allowed its own literary culture to implode. Jazz and patchwork quilts are still doing O.K., but books have descended into kitsch. I blame capitalism, Puritanism, philistinism, television and the computer."(MORE AFTER THE JUMP!)A "not-to-be-read list?"Interview with Salman Rushdie.Coolest vintage SF paperback you'll see tonight.2008 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award finalists announced.Q&A with Ray Bradbury!Short article on constructed languages in novels.Cool Terry Pratchett article on how he's working to control his Alzheimer's disease.Ray Kurzweil is talking. Again.Interview with Jeffrey Thomas!The difference between rich authors and poor authors...George R.R. Martin reading a passage from "The Faces of Fantasy."J.M. McDermott suspects that Neil Gaiman may be Doctor Who.Jeffrey Ford has a lot of cool stuff happening right now.Seen the cover of Kelly Link's "Pretty Monsters" collection?Ten tips for setting up your book platform.The Greatest Science Fiction Gadgets.Review of Jose Eduardo Agualusa's "The Book of Chameleons.""Literature is Over, Because We're All Geeks Now."


Matt's Bookosphere 6/9/08


Books and cats