Matt's Bookosphere 6/9/08

Harry Harrison praises Russia, describes US as fascist state.Just a few weeks left to apply for "Viable Paradise" a one-week F/SF writing workshop featuring Elizabeth Bear, John Scalzi and many, many more!Fiction: "Alone in the House of Mims" by Barth Anderson.Cool: scanned copy of Frank Belknap Long's letter to Roy SquireWho knew that a book about cholera could be so damn entertaining? Steven Johnson's "The Ghost Map."In praise of Miguel Angel Asturias, and writers trying to extricate themselves from the web of Magical Realism.Andre Dubus doing readings from latest novel.(LOTS MORE AFTER THE JUMP!)Jeremiah Tolbert has finished designing Jay Lake's new site, and man, is it shiny!Review: "A Writer's Guide to Fiction" damned with faint praise.Thirteen Best Author Collections of All Time."Yes, Chick Lit is dead."Actress Felicia Day (frequent guest spots on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.) on Joe Abercrombie, Brian Ruckley. (New favorite phrase: "Chest Hair Type Epic.)Gossip writer under threat of "satanic curse" from author Kenneth Anger over theft of book title, as if being a gossip writer wasn't bad enough...Jay Lake's photos from JayCon VIII. Check out the cake!!!"To say that The Tango Singer (El Cantor de Tangos, 2004, Tomas Eloy Martinez) is an intertextual labyrinth of canonical literary and political references is like saying that Borges’ short stories are simply philosophical..."I think that "Thunderer" author Felix Gilman enjoyed "The Fall."Win $1,000 for writing a one paragraph book review of "Publicani," a near future political thriller.Download free novels from Richard Kadrey!Elizabeth Bear is in it up to her elbows at Storytellers Unplugged.Terri Windling talked myth on KWMR radioAnnie Proulx's "Brokeback Mountain" to become an opera.Part II of The AV Club interview with Harlan Ellison.Rick Kleffel to co-host phone-in interview with William Gibson on NPR affiliate KUSP.Review of "Countdown" by Michelle Maddox.Cory Doctorow's new graphic novel "Futuristic Tales" available as free download.Review of "Magic Study" by Maria V. Snyder.Caitlin Kiernan: Nebari arms dealer, smuggler and occasional mercenary (and one of my favorite writers).F. Scott Fitzgerald's proto-SF story "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" to be adapted for movie.Review of "Tiger Heart" by Peter David. NPR broadcast of J.K. Rowling's Harvard commencement speech.SyFy Genre Award NomineesAllen Steele's "Coyote" website goes live.Pinky discusses the origins of a slacker vampire.Creepy new antho: "A Dick and Jane Primer for Adults."Bookgasm revisits "Make Room! Make Room!"Dear Paulo Coelho, what did you learn in your research in the Red Light districts?Neil Gaiman takes questions on "Anansi Boys."The birth of a gay book club (including best 15 reading experiences for the gay community).What is the market function of an e-book?Rabid Transit Press presents "The Sun Inside" by David J. Schwartz.The real story about the shunned house on Benefit Street.Ray Bradbury shills for prunes.Andrew Stanton scripting movie adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's "John Carter of Mars."A Future for Writers in the Age of E-Books? Readers Respond. (Paul Krugman's original article "Bits, Bands and Books" here.)Colonialism, thoughts on the "other" and Science Fiction.John Klima's 2008 World Fantasy Award nominees.Rushdie, Burroughs, Palahniuk: Whose TBR Review was the Worst?Henry Miller's unfond memories of NYC.Interview with Marie Brennan.Written on the body: Literary Tattoos.Are America's book reviewers ignoring the fiction boom?Interview with Charles Stross.The rise of comic looking for contributors.Technothrillers vs. Science Fiction.Didn't you say you needed a Borges doll? Maybe it was a Gabriel Garcia-Marquez doll. "Freak Angels" by Paul Di Fillipo checks out an advance screening of "Choke."Fiction: "Sorrowbird" by Sean Markey.




Matt's Bookosphere 6/8/08