Shriek Limited From Wyrm Publishing

One last post before the next guest blogger--here's the cover of the limited of Jeff's Shriek: An Afterword. Complete with printer marks. The design is by John Coulthart. The art is by Ben Templesmith. (Check out a larger version here.) John also designed the interior. It will come with some short additional material in the back, as well as a copy on DVD of the Shriek movie and a CD of The Church's original soundtrack for the book. (This is not the movie music, although it includes elements of that music. Also lyrics taken from the book.) Signed and numbered as well.I've attached a very short sample from four of The Church's songs: church-music_0001You can order the book here. It will be out in September. Below find the original "trailer" for both book and movie (the music there is, again, in the movie, not on the CD accompanying the book). Yep, that is Tim and Steve from The Church speaking at the beginning...


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Catherynne M. Valente: Ecstatic Days Guest Blogger (July 28-Aug 1)