I'll Be Your Writer This Evening! Let Me Tell You About Our Specials...

Hi! I'm Cat Valente, and I'll be your guest blogger for the week. Jeff already introduced me, but allow me to take this very special opportunity to remind you that authors enjoy long walks on the beach, sunsets, and eating--and to therefore link you to my most recent novel and my website so that you can, perhaps, help me with one or all of those things.I have several posts ready to go for the week, but as today is a Monday, and I am exhausted, having spent the weekend in New York whilst all of New York was at ComicCon, and it is grey and blustery despite being nearly August outside, I am going to lad with a thud on this here blog and open up the comments to questions as a little get-to-know-each-other exercise.Then, tomorrow, I'll tell you about my love-hate relationship with confessional poetry.So, in the comments, ask me anything you'd like about the writing life. Or the writing death. Or long walks on the beach.


Have I Ever Told You About My Love/Hate Relationship With Confessional Poetry?


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