Russell Crowe is Bill Hicks

About five years ago, a British publisher Constable & Robinson told me about a book they were about to publish, called Love All the People. It was the first collection of the routines of the stand-up comic Bill Hicks.I'd no idea what he was talking about. So I Google the guy (this is pre-YouTube), note that he's admired by Richard Pryor, John Cleese, and Dennis Miller, figure it would be a damn good idea to publish, and presto, I'm Bill Hicks's U.S. publisher, faut de mieux.And each year that goes by, I'm more honored to be his publisher, and sad it can only be posthumous (died at age 32 of pancreatic cancer), and slightly embarrassed at my good fortune, given how clueless I was to start with.So last week, my Google News Alert tells me Russell Crowe has commissioned a biopic screenplay, and intends to play the man, andA. I'm rather psyched, andB. all kindsa new YouTube mash-ups appear. Below is one—super NSFW. But really, watch it. Watch it all if you can. He's something special.A Bill Hicks Miscellany



