
...with this next post. I've about 10-15 disparate links, all related in some fashion to social media. But you know this social media thing. It's life! It's like blogging about life. The prospect of trying to smoosh them all together into some coherent message is daunting beyond belief.But I'm also not good at thi snappy Linktopia kinda post either. So I'll just wing it. (Jeff, I'm sorry...and I was just checking the metrics at and they're dropping this past month, clearly I've lost my edge...)OK, well to write an actual post, as opposed to a meta-post:Was just Twittering with agent Molly Friedrich who has an excellent interview up on Poets & Writers. Marvelous candor. I know if I were a better person, I'd find the four or five places at least that have already linked to the piece, but instead a wee boit o' backstory: it's in a series of interviews with agents all done by Jofie Ferrari-Adler, a young editor at Grove Atlantic who was at the now sadly defunct 4 Walls 8 Windows (publishers of Brian Evenson and Steve Aylett and Paul Di Filippo!) and married to the agent Jenni Ferrari-Adler. And all the interviews, with Nat Sobel [which I just re-read, damn, he's an intersting guy], Lynn Nesbit, are online—not all the material in that magazine is. That said, I should mention that  this month's item on the melding of literary and genre fiction is—it's very Intro-level for readers of this blog, read it if you're curious to see the establishment position on the topic, where the "centrists" see things being.Anyhow, point of raising the topic of twittering with Ms. Friedrich was to say that because of the real directness in the interview, I'd pointed her to this speech by Joseph Jaffe here [I'd come to it, thanks to Ed.] In a sense there's not much to it, escept to say that business need ot stop lying. But he breaks that imperative down nicely. (Unembeddable, sorry, I do actually now know how to embedd video on WordPress, sorry about the Bill Hicks post...)


This won't be the last...


Russell Crowe is Bill Hicks