Nominate this blog for award!

Just heard from GalleyCat about book blog award. Would be mucho remiss if I didn't urge submission f this joint. I'd also be remiss if I didn't suggest that a publisher blog award might be in order...Details here. Basically you just email your nominations to Categories here:Best General Book BlogBest Kidlit BlogBest Christian/Inspirational Fiction BlogBest Literary Fiction BlogBest Book Club BlogBest Romance BlogBest Thrillers/Mystery/Suspense BlogBest Non-fiction BlogBest Young Adult Lit BlogBest Book/Publishing Industry BlogBest Challenge HostBest Community BuilderBest Cookbook BlogBest History/Historical Fiction BlogBest DesignMost ChattyMost ConciseMost Eclectic TasteBest Name for a BlogBest Published Author BlogBest Book published in 2008Best Meme/Carnival/EventMost Extravagant GiveawaysBest Book Community siteWrite In--think we missed something? Write in your category and nomination and if there are enough other write-ins of the same category it will be added!


The Pretty Pictures Post


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