This won't be the last..., I promise. Did I post yesterday? No! Pathetic. Partial excuse, I've been on a to-bed-at-2-up-at-6 schedule this week and I just couldn't manage that schedule again last night (OK, listening to the Obama speech took up a chunk of that...). But I promise to do some make-up posting over the weekend, kay?So I had been planning all along to have one day of public domain/CopyLeft links, rant(s), etc. So that's a post I'm going to work on today, but it won't be this one, this one will consist of simply the following, an email I just got from CAConrad, a wonderful queer pagan poet, much admired by Sam Delaney ("[B]rilliantly tough...jaw-droppingly romantic, witty, outraged, yearning, and often unabashedly lovely"). We're publishing Conrad's  Advanced Elvis Course in late Spring 09, and I don't think we've ever made an author happier. So, the email from Conrad:

Last night I saw the Obama speech on a giant screen outside, on the lawn near the Liberty Bell here in Philadelphia, and a man with an Elvis T-shirt walked by and I said, "ELVIS FANS FOR OBAMA!"  Which startled him a bit, but he cheered back at me!LOVE OF THE BLUE SUEDE SHOE TRUTH TO YOU BOTH,Conrad


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