European Trip Recap: Parcon, Prague, Romania, Beer, and More

(Will Hindmarch, who will be guest blogging in October, pointed out that this is what my blog currently looks like via Wordle)For those of you coming by Monday morning and stunned by the number of weekend posts, here's the convenient one-post-to-rule-them-all, with all the links. Our photo sets can also be accessed here.Parcon PhotosPeople We Met, Prague, Storefronts, and Glowing PenguinsBeer, with Pub, Bath, and MessiahNew Weird, Foreign Book Haul, MoominParcon/Plzen Plus Road Trip to RomaniaFinal thanks to everyone we met for being so interesting and fun--and special thanks to Martin and Tomas in Czech Republic and Horia in Romania. It's back to the novel for me--Ann's even taking the server box to work the whole week. AND, this coming week something very exciting--Minister Faust is guest-blogging!


Minister Faust: Guest-blogging on Ecstatic Days (Sept. 8-12)


Parcon Photos by Richard Klienik and Tero Ykspetaja