Parcon Photos by Richard Klienik and Tero Ykspetaja

(Philip, Alistair Rennie, Ann, Ian MacLeod, half my face, and Hal Duncan's arm; photo by Richard Klienik, all rights reserved)Richard Klienik, Czech journalist/photographer, has some great photos from Parcon on his site. (Click on the thumbnails for larger images--not immediately evident to me as my cursor didn't indicate they were clickable.) Also check out his other work--it's really wonderful.Finnish SF/F con organizer/blogger/fand Tero Ykspetaja has also posted some great photos and a report, with linkage to other material.


European Trip Recap: Parcon, Prague, Romania, Beer, and More


Drinking in Europe: Beer, Wine, The Pub, Beer Bath, and the Beer Messiah