Weird Tales KGB Reading -- Ann VanderMeer, Stephen Segal, Jeff Ford, Karen Heuler, Micaela Morrissette

I'm happy to let Ecstatic Days readers know that there will be a special KGB New York City Weird Tales reading on October 15th. In addition to my wife Ann VanderMeer (WT fiction editor) and Stephen Segal (WT creative director) serving as MCs, you'll get to see three amazing writers read from their work: Jeffrey Ford, Karen Heuler, and Micaela Morrissette. Many of you may be familiar with Ford, but I'll tell you--both Heuler and Morissette, who have published mostly in literary magazines, are fully his equal. It's a star-studded night, and one I'll be happy to take in as an observer. I'll be coming up to NYC along with Ann (although most of the time I'll be working on the novel).So, if you're in the general area, consider making a trip to the KGB bar. It's going to be pretty damn cool...P.S. Just a quick note that Dark Horse now has the first few pages of both Brian Evenson's Aliens novel and my Predator novel up on their site. I believe both novels will be in bookstores Oct. 1.


Books Received--Margo Lanagan, Bob Dylan, Prince, Dandy Warhols, and More


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