Books Received--Margo Lanagan, Bob Dylan, Prince, Dandy Warhols, and More

So, it's about time to jump down the rabbit hole again, but I needed a day or two of not working on the novel to get some needed perspective on what I've written thus far.Look in the coming weeks for book reviews and features I've done for the Washington Post Book World, the Huffington Post, and the Barnes & Noble Review. As well as continuing pieces on Amazon's book blog and I will also start doing a pop culture column for Realms of Fantasy (Matt Staggs is now RoF's second reviewer, behind Paul Witcover.) People ask me, "Jeff, how come you've still got stuff appearing on the intertubes when you're hunkered down working on the novel." Well, part of the answer is I take a break on weekends to work on nonfiction. The other part of the answer is that I did a ton of stuff before I dove in to work on the novel in earnest, and some of it is just appearing now.Anyhow, here are a select few of the books received over the last two or three weeks. (And some music.)JeffThe first two titles from Underland Press: Evenson's Last Days and The Pilo Family Circus. Along with the highly anticipated Tremblay, among others. I've read the Evenson and loved the first half. I liked the second half too, but am still mulling Evenson's handling of law enforcement and grand guignol flourishes.A great trio of graphic novel stuff. Alex Irvine's excellent Vertigo encyclopedia is a highlight, but so too are the Barry and the Talbot.I've really heard good things about White Tiger, so very happy to see that one in particular.First Klosterman I've seen. Looking forward to it.All three of these look great.Fun-looking children's books.Bob Dylan song lyrics now a children's book...Two comfortably creepy kids' booksHmmmm.Deluxe packaging for a Prince book, including CD and fashion shoot.More detail from the Prince book...That ain't my hand...Yeah, this is a heck of a book.One book the world probably doesn't really need (all apologies, but...) and another we do.I have to admit--the Wolfe looks really, really bad.A third of the way through Tender Morsels's brilliant. Also looking forward to Gilman's second. I want to read the Carroll, but I think he's been on autopilot the last few novels.I think that cover for the werewolf book is awful. Another great-looking Tin House, and an interesting political absurdism.Some music I've bought recently. I really really love the Calexico, the Darker My Love, the Dandy Warhols, the Munly, the Muse, and the Shearwater.


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Weird Tales KGB Reading -- Ann VanderMeer, Stephen Segal, Jeff Ford, Karen Heuler, Micaela Morrissette