Breaking News: Penguin Wars Intensify--The Arrival of the Sinister "Mr. P"

Some readers of this blog may recall Sir Tessa's infamous penguin post, followed by escalation, followed by neon yellow penguins in Prague. Well, Sir Tessa has once again intensified the entire penguin proliferation issue by sending us, in a pre-emptive strike, a huge penguin. Some assembly required. Thank god for a bicycle pump...not what I thought I'd be doing Saturday afternoon, frankly. A lot of sweating and cursing and effort was involved. And then, especially with the hat, it looks a little like something out of Bosch! I call him "The Sinister Mr. P". On his side it says, "Not be used as a flotation or life-saving device." What?! You can't use your giant penguin to float to Japan?! (Flickr photo set if you prefer--otherwise, check out photos after the cut.)Jeff


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