Neenja Stream (MAJORITY RULE)

You are a ninja. Booyah.You are out of milk. Bugger.In other circumstances, this wouldn’t bother you, as you’re lactose intolerant. But your overbearing uncle Retsudo is visiting, and he must have milk with his rice. You’re not sure why. You suspect it is one of those entirely arbitary whims that exists purely to vex you, and he insists upon having it so just because he can. He’s head of the clan, and you’re not his favourite nephew, so, well, what can you do? Better get some milk or he’ll “instruct” you as to a new ninja technique with hands on training. Your toes still hurt from the last time.The bus pulls up at the curb and you disembark. The driver accepts your nod with a disinterested stare and pulls away, leaving you standing in front of the supermarket.You’re patting your pockets to ensure you didn’t leave your wallet on the bus – you have a lot of pockets – when you hear the clatter and rattle of charging trolleys, and look up to see a snake of shopping trolleys in the reigns of an underpaid cowboy bearing down at you.You execute a lightning fast flip, twist over the trolleys, swing around a street lamp and land behind the cowboy, who has just hauled his wayward flock to a halt. He raises the brim of his hat, squinting about for several long moments before finally noticing you behind him.His eyes narrow. A thousand yard stare in the high noon sun.

a. What, you’re such a lousy cowboy you can’t even herd a shopping trolley?b. Return fire with a dramatic stare made entirely more menacing in your ninja mask.c. QUICK DRAW SHURIKENS!




Pirate Stream (MAJORITY RULE)