Pirate Stream (MAJORITY RULE)

You are a pirate. Arrrr.You are not sure where you are. Arrrr.This is the usual state of affairs, and you’re perfectly comfortable with that. Waking up in unfamiliar alleys with a crust of dried vomit down your front and the smell if piss, probably yours, in your nose are the hallmarks of a night spent drinking and drinking and possibly dancing a jig and definitely drinking. You should always do what you’re good at. Arrrr.You’re really good at hangovers.Apart from you, this alley appears to be empty, which is a shame, because you have a great and pressing desire for cocoa pops and absolutely no desire to get them for yourself. A crewman would have been useful about now. Bloody pirates. Having no other alternative, you peel yourself from the ground, which takes some fenangling given the ground is rather sticky, and stagger out onto the street.Sunlight. Arrrgh.Supermarket. Arrr? Ah!You work on putting one foot before the other, yeah, just like that, stupid sea legs don’t work so well on dry land, nothing to do with the hang over at all, no, not at all, and that rattling jangling sound is just, is just, is not actually a hangover side effect, hang on-You look up to see a snake of shopping trolleys in the reins of an underpaid cowboy bearing down at you.

a. Arrrr!b. Attempt to dodge charging trolleys.c. Shoot the limey little landlubber.


Neenja Stream (MAJORITY RULE)
