Digression: the trick (part 3) (and final)

One last thing on ideas. The easiest way to get an idea, I've always found, is to look for a good one that somebody else has had, which they've then proceeded to screw up. So if any of what I've dashed off here over the last few days strikes a chord, feel free to take it and change it and make it yours. And maybe -- unlike that Moles guy -- you'll get it right.

I could say more, but I'm out of time. Thanks for having me, Jeff; you other folks, thanks for indulging me.

Well, let’s see ahm … you know some songs come out of the ground just like a potato … others, you have to make them out of things you’ve found ... like your mother's pool cue and, you know … your dad's army buddy … and your sister's wristwatch and that type of thing … you’d be surprised what you can find if you’re … you know … resourceful.

-- Tom Waits

P.S. The rest of the trick? Smoke, mirrors, and Wikipedia.


Jukka Halme and Tero Ykspetäjä--Guest-blogging on Ecstatic Days Nov. 3-7


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