Jukka Halme and Tero Ykspetäjä--Guest-blogging on Ecstatic Days Nov. 3-7

I'm very happy to welcome Jukka Halme and Tero Ykspetäjä as this week's guest bloggers.Jukka Halme is a Finnish critic, fandom activist/conrunner and the editor of "Uuskummaa" ("New Weird") anthology.Tero is a science fiction fan from Turku, Finland. He's been active in fandom since the late eighties, and has had a hand in organizing a few Finnish and Nordic conventions, including the Finncon/Eurocon 2003 in Turku. He publishes a fanzine and blogs about the Finnish fandom in Partial Recall.


Hello, World!


Digression: the trick (part 3) (and final)