Hello, World!

Hi, my name is Tero, and I'll be one half of your Jeff substitute this week. (Not that I would ever pretend to be able to produce even close to half of his output, neither in quality nor quantity, on the best of days. But you're half-stuck with me anyway, so here goes.)So, a quick introduction. As Jeff mentioned, I'm an sf fan, fanzine editor and occasional conrunner from Finland. I live in Turku, the oldest city (and one of the most beautiful) in Finland with my family (which means my wife, daughter, and our two parakeets). By day I work in IT (currently with integrated circuit design environments), but by night I don my cape turn on my reading light to dive into the wonderful world of science fiction and fandom.I found science fiction early on (pretty close to the ideal age of ten, I think). Some years later I found organized fandom and immediately knew I was home. I've made a lot of friends, shared countless fascinating conversations with them over an equally countless amount of beers, gone to conventions both in Finland and abroad (and helped organize a couple of them), and even met my wife through fandom. So it's a subject very close to my heart, and something I'll be talking about this week. I welcome your comments, and if you have any questions about the Finnish fandom or sf in Finland in general, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments section!


Finnish Fandom: an Overview


Jukka Halme and Tero Ykspetäjä--Guest-blogging on Ecstatic Days Nov. 3-7