Catching Up--What've You Been Up To?

Thanks again for being so receptive to the guest bloggers.I'll resume posting tomorrow with my 60 Books in 60 Days feature, in which I read one of Penguin's Great Ideas books each night and do a blog post about it the next morning. I'll also be writing about the work of John Le Carre. I've had the luxury of reading his first ten novels and have rarely been so entertained or so impressed with a writer's mastery of craft. You can expect that I'll be fairly active on this blog, even as I finish up Booklife: Strategies & Survival Tips for the 21st Century Writer for Tachyon Books. (Look for to go live by May of next year, with unique content and an even more unique social media experiment scheduled for later in 2009.)Then it'll be on to the Steampunk subculture/projects book I'm co-writing with Jake Von Slatt for Artisan Books in NYC, a collaborative fantasy with a good friend of mine, and completing a short novel I've had in mind for quite some time (non-Ambergris). In addition to Finch (Oct. 31), next year the Last Drink Bird Head and Clarion charity anthologies will be out, along with another editorial collaboration with Ann, The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals, designed by John Coulthart and published in a cool little gift book format right before Hannukah. There are also a couple of other projects that I'm not at liberty to discuss right now.In other news, my novelette "Errata" has been taken by and will appear with my podcast of the story in early 2009. And I've just learned I will have a story in Peter Straub's Library of America anthology Fantastic Tales: American Stories of Terror and the Uncanny. It's a bit of an embarrassment of riches at the moment, since "Fixing Hanover" has been taken by Strahan for his year's best and Rich Horton for his SF year's best, as well. Finally, I'm working on a short story called "The Quickening" for a special issue of Conjunctions, although they still have to read it and accept it. (Reviewing-wise, look for work at the Washington Post and the B&N Review early next year.)So, that's where I am at the moment. How about you? I've been off the grid and haven't heard from many of you. Feel free to tell me what you've been up to in the comments thread. (And including links is fine, but my spam filter will put them in my spam file, where I can de-spam them, just so you know if there's a delay with something appearing.)Cheers,Jeff


Garbage Mail/Cat Litter Crackerjacks: That Thar Idea Is Free


Thanks to Tempest and all of the Guest Bloggers